Paste a binary Google Protocol Buffers byte array into the input box, and this page will explain the structure of the byte array.
The format of the byte array should be backslash-escaped octal characters, which is the format produced by the ToOctString
function in the Protocol Buffers conformance test.
Here’s an example of Protocol Buffers conformance test output. Any of the escaped octal byte strings from this output can be pasted into the input box for explanation.
CONFORMANCE TEST BEGIN ==================================== ERROR, test=Required.Proto3.ProtobufInput.ValidDataOneof.MESSAGE.Merge.ProtobufOutput: Output was not equivalent to reference message: deleted: oneof_nested_message.corecursive.optional_int32: 1 deleted: oneof_nested_message.corecursive.unpacked_int32[1]: 1 . request=protobuf_payload: "\202\007\t\022\007\010\001\020\001\310\005\001\202\007\007\022\005\020\001\310\005\001" requested_output_format: PROTOBUF message_type: "protobuf_test_messages.proto3.TestAllTypesProto3" test_category: BINARY_TEST, response=protobuf_payload: "\202\007\007\022\005\020\001\310\005\001" ERROR, test=Recommended.Proto3.ProtobufInput.ValidDataOneofBinary.MESSAGE.Merge.ProtobufOutput: Output was not equivalent to reference message: Expect: \202\007\014\022\012\010\001\020\001\310\005\001\310\005\001, but got: \202\007\007\022\005\020\001\310\005\001. request=protobuf_payload: "\202\007\t\022\007\010\001\020\001\310\005\001\202\007\007\022\005\020\001\310\005\001" requested_output_format: PROTOBUF message_type: "protobuf_test_messages.proto3.TestAllTypesProto3" test_category: BINARY_TEST, response=protobuf_payload: "\202\007\007\022\005\020\001\310\005\001"
Here's an 11kB example protobuf from Github.
If you have a file named binary_protobuf_file.pb
containing binary protobuf and you want the contents of the file explained, then running this command will copy the escaped-octal file to your X11 clipboard. Then you can paste it into the input box on this page.
cat binary_protobuf_file.pb | hexdump --one-byte-octal --no-squeezing | sed s/^[[:xdigit:]]*// | sed 's/ *$//' | tr ' ' '\' | tr -d '\n' | xsel -ib
protoc --decode_raw
This protobuf explainer is a single-page app built with purescript-halogen and purescript-protobuf. Source repository is at